12 Long-Term Care Statistics That Can Spur Client Action [Infographic]

by FIG Marketing

Updated April 8, 2022, at 12:40 PM

It never hurts to have an arsenal of quick-hitting statistics to use in conversations with clients and prospects about the role long-term care plays in their financial security.

These long-term care stats aim to shed light on long-term care usage, purchases, and coverage needs that can help clients connect the dots on why long-term care insurance may make sense for them.

Feel free to use these statistics in upcoming long-term care conversations to highlight Americans’ increasing need for LTC coverage. You can also download your own PDF version of the infographic below to keep it handy for upcoming discussions.

Download: 12 Long-Term Care Statistics That Can Spur Client Action


Keep Reading: Why Care Planning is Vital to a Financial Professional’s Business

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